Booklet (Hardcover Perfect Binding) – Artwork Specification #
PLEASE USE OUR PRODUCT SIZE TEMPLATE to you prepare your artwork. If you booklet has blank pages, leave the pages empty.
Outer Cover #

Inner Paper #
Inner Paper (Front) #

Inner Paper (Back) #

Content Pages #

Spine #

Spine Calculation #

- Please take note that the text and picture should kept away 15mm from the book centre, to avoid the related content from getting ‘lost’ into the binding area.
- If the booklet pages number is in descending order (such as religious books, etc.) please inform our customer Experience Specialist Team (CES) via Feedback, email or phone call.
- Remove all template guidelines and descriptions before submitting your files.
- Avoid use borders in your design as it makes any uneven trimming more visible.
- Avoid cross-page design or placing any text or images, across two pages. Cross-page design will not line up perfectly. (Printboxer will not accept reject claims related to artwork not joining perfectly.)
- Avoid repeating wide areas of the same solid colours.
- Booklets with perfect binding open up only 160 degrees. Avoid the booklet open to 180 degrees.
During the ordering process, you must submit these set of files to us:
1. Outer Cover (Front & Back) (1 PDF file)
2. Inner Cover & paper (Front & Back) (1 PDF file)
3. Content pages info (1 PDF file)

File 2 : Inner paper front&back.pdf #

File 3 : – contentabc.pdf #
Page 1 – Content 1
Page 2 – Content 2
Page 3 – Content 3 and so on…
Page 43 – Content 43
Page 44 – Content 44
Physical Arrangement of artwork in Hardcover : #
Example :
- Outer Cover Front
- Inner Paper 1
- Inner Paper 2
- Inner Paper 3
- Content 1
- Content 2
- ………….
- Content 48
- Inner Paper Back 3
- Inner Paper Back 2
- Inner Paper Back 1
- Outer Cover Back
To avoid error, extra cost and delay, we have prepared a comprehensive checklist to assist you in preparing your artwork successfully. Please ensure every step stated complied in your artwork.
- Artwork is prepared in our Product Size Template.
- Background design expanded to Full Bleed size.
- Vital elements are within Safe Zone.
- No crop marks are applied.
- Only CMYK colour mode is used in your artwork.
- No colour tints that contain less than 10%.
- All images are in CMYK colour mode.
- Colour / Grayscale images resolution are set to or above 300dpi.
- Scanned line Art/Black & White images resolution are set to or above 1200dpi.
- Never manipulate images in vector software.
- All background, design effects, and images has been merged and converted to a TIFF file.
- All text in solid black or grey must fill in only black percentage (CMY=0 , K=100).
- Total of CMYK colour ink coverage should not exceed 240% (which will occur if ink coverage exceeds 240%).
- No fonts less than 4pts.
- Curve / Path / Create outline all fonts.
- No lines less than 0.25pts.
- Artwork is saved in required file format : Adobe acrobat Document 4 – Ver 1.3 (*.pdf).
- Resolution : 300dpi.
- Colour Mode : CMYK colour mode.
- Total File Size (front and back design) : Smaller than 20 MB.
- All pages are placed in the correct sequence you want them to be.
- Artwork File is arrange according to our specification and published to a PDF file.
- Other than hyphen (-) and underscore(_), your filename does not include any other marks or symbols.
- No overprint setting is used
- For full details of how to prepare your artwork for finishing such as Spot UV and Hot Stamping kindly refer to the General Guidelines at our website.
Terms and Conditions:
- Reject or refund claims pertaining to any dissatisfaction in printing quality caused by incomplete process mentioned above will not be entertained.
- We will not held any responsibility for any misplacement , blurry picture/images , misspellings/ typo errors in customer’s artwork.
- By submit your order and artwork files, you agree to these terms and conditions.