Download Our Standard Size Template #
To ensure proper formatting, you may start by downloading our product template.
Bleed & Safe Zone Requirements #
- Bleed Size: 1.5mm on each side (extends beyond the final trim to avoid white edges).
- Safe Zone: 2mm inside from the trim line (to prevent important content from being cut off).
✅ Example for a Standard Card:
- Actual Size: 89mm x 54mm
- Bleed Size: 92mm x 57mm (with 1.5mm extra on each side)
- Safe Zone: Within 85mm x 50mm
⚠️ Reminder:
- Keep all critical elements inside the safe zone.
- Remove guidelines before submitting your final print file.
- Download and use our template for precise artwork setup.

Final File Submission Guidelines #
File Format & Naming #
✅ Save files in PDF format with our required settings (see how-to guide).
✅ Each printing side must be saved as an individual PDF file:
- Single-sided print:
- Double-sided print:
- Front:
- Back:
- Front:
✅ For double-sided prints, compress both files into a ZIP folder before submitting. You can use tools like WinZip.
Before Submitting Your File, Ensure You: #
✅ Outline all fonts (to prevent missing fonts).
✅ Convert colors to CMYK for accurate print results.
✅ Remove all guidelines before finalizing the file.
Following these steps will help ensure a smooth and error-free printing process. 🚀