Customized Outer Cover (Refer Diagram)
Bleeding #
2mm from all sides of the edge
Margin (Safe Zone) #
a) Outer Front Cover
- 25mm from all sides of the edge
- Except: 10mm away from creasing line, 60mm for oval curve.
b) Outer Back Cover
- 25mm from all sides of the edge
- Except: 10mm away from creasing line, 70mm for four ring.
c) Outer Middle Cover
- 25mm from all sides of the edge –
- Except: 10mm away from creasing line , 50mm for Wire-O ring.
Diagram shows Outer Cover Artwork Dimension:
Image #
- Ensure all the image are in CMYK color mode.
- Ensure resolution of all images are set to 300dpi or above.
Font #
- Font size must more than 4.0points.
Line #
- Line thickness must more than 0.25points
Marking and Trapping #
- Do not apply any crop mark and trapping to your files, including box or bleeding marking or margin marking.
ARCH FILE (File Preparation) #
- Artwork is saved in required file latest format of Adobe Acrobat version (.pdf).
- Page Arrangement for Outer Cover Arch File in ONE PDF file (File 1: Outer Cover)